Global Saemaul Forum

Global Saemaul Forum

Home   GSF 2024  Global Saemaul Forum

The 77th Anniversary of
Yeungnam University Global Saemaul Forum

Main Theme

The Key to Human Co-prosperity, Sharing Korea Development Experience: Focusing on the case of Saemaul International Development Sharing

Aim and Goal of the Forum:

Yeungnam University has played a central role in international development cooperation through research, projects, and education related to the Saemaul Undong. Among the 77-year history at Yeungnam University in tandem with South Korea's rapid economic development, the Institute for International Development Cooperation (IIDC) has produced tangible collaborative policies and educational outcomes involving 82 countries and 4,000 participants. As of 2024, amidst challenges such as climate change-induced disasters, carbon emissions reduction efforts including REDD+, post-war reconstruction, and healthcare system improvements to combat infectious diseases, as well as persistent issues like poverty and hunger, there is a pressing need for a new leap forward in the Saemaul Undong for sustainable human co-prosperity. In 2024, the Global Saemaul Forum aims to deliberate on addressing current global challenges through the proven development model of the Saemaul Undong and strive towards the implementation of Sustainable Saemaul 2.0. The forum plans for vigorous discussions and information sharing related to the following topics:

1. Crisis of Sustainability: Addressing Global Challenges
  • Success factors of the REDD+ project through Saemaul Undong
  • Application of carbon emissions reduction projects and Saemaul Undong for climate change adaptation
  • Enhancement of Saemaul economic cooperatives for natural disaster prevention and household economic improvement § Application of Smart Saemaul as a practical welfare service
  • Establishment of regional Saemaul cooperation networks for common issue resolution
2. Sharing Successful Models of International Cooperation: Localization and Implications
  • Initiation for increased rural income and securing sustainable cash flow
  • Conditions and objectives of utilizing Smart Saemaul in ODA recipient countries
  • Training system for on-site practical skills of Saemaul 2.0 leaders
  • Adaptation of NEW Saemaul Undong tailored to differing political, economic, and social situations of each country
3. Key to Global Common Prosperity: Smart Saemaul
  • Necessity for a renewal of Saemaul projects amidst social crises in advanced countries
  • NEW Saemaul Undong for fulfilling responsibilities of advanced countries and obligations of underdeveloped countries
  • Saemaul Undong development strategies utilizing artificial intelligence (A.I.), digital databases, and satellite data
  • Proposal for a World Saemaul Spirit Alliance based on Smart Saemaul